Sunday, August 14, 2005

So close I could...

Well, it seems that the North Korean delegation is staying at my place! Ok, not exactly "my place", but quite close enough. Apparently they are holed up at the Walker Hill in Gwangna-roo.

Now I KNOW it is an expensive place (evident from all the tall Russian dancers coming in and out) so I'm curious as to who is footing the bill.

Anyways, Mr BowdownandlickDPRKbutt Chung was there today visiting. If it wasn't so hot I may have taken the short bus ride just to give him a dirty look.

Oh, and I guess they (the delegation)
Visited Seoul's National Cemetery and bowed. Wow, not too low fellas, you don't want to show too much enthusiasm. Also, I thought this was funny.

The 182-strong delegation of officials and civilians headed by Kim Ki-nam of the North’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland paid only a silent tribute but did not lay flowers or burn incense. The North Koreans reportedly said during negotiations with South Korea on Aug. 5 they were not in the habit of burning incense and rarely laid flowers.

Wow, I guess somebody should tell these kids.


Aaron said...

Ouch, a "dirty look." You really know how to cut a man to the core.

A dungjip would be an effective addition to that look. CDY could use one of those.

Juggy said...

Man, there is no way i'd be able to get near those Norks to give them a Dong-jip!

Chung has his mouth firmly planted on their cheeks! Shoot, I guess I'll just have to go through him first.