Wednesday, August 10, 2005

We were on a BREAK!

One of my favorite "themes" in FRIENDS was the whole "Ross and Rachel were on a break and Ross cheated on her but afterwards insisted 'we were on a break!'" Now, you may ask how that has anything to do with Korea, and although it's a bad transition, it does!! ;)

It seems that in the week I have taken off of blogging the 6 party talks have gone no where (surprise). They are now on a 3 week break and apparently there are a few "side-bar" meetings going on.

Ban Ki-moon, whom seems like a decent enough guy,
will head to China this week to see what he can do.

"The participating countries are expected to hold separate consultations during the recess period," Ban said at a weekly news briefing. "The three-week recess is very important for smooth progress of talks when they are resumed, so we will make the most of it."

Ban indicated that North Korea needs time to build trust with the international community before it enjoys the right to peaceful nuclear activities.

Now see, that is why I think Ban is a decent guy. I know he has to tow the Roh line, but he still comes off sounding level-headed.

My worry though is that something will go onbehind the scenes that may cause some problems. I especially predict that the US might be on the "outs" in regards to it's Nuclear policies and uneven enforcement (ie. India, Iran, Isreal, another "I" country?)

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