Thursday, August 18, 2005

Woot! They're gone!

Well it seems that my newest neighbors have finally
flown the coop and have headed back to the land of the great General. I for one am glad to see them gone. With all this butt kissing in the news I was scared to hear that maybe Kim Dae Jung would step back into the lime light and try to get another Nobel Peace Prize.

Oh wait, maybe he will...
Apparently Kim Ki-nam (DPRK) has invited Ex-President Kim back to the North.

I even hear that they read a few ROK newspapers. Too bad Chung didn't let him read them all.

South Korean Unification Minister Chung Dong-young handed over the file of news scraps to Kim, a secretary of North Korea’s Workers’ Party, inside a passenger car at a hotel in eastern Seoul at 10:20 a.m.

It was intended to let Kim, 79, know that the visit by North Koreans and their unprecedented activities, such as a visit to the National Cemetery where the war dead are enshrined, were invoking good reactions from South Koreans, a politics expert said.

Another Seoul official said the ministry staff occasionally delivered South Korean morning dailies to the North Korean delegates’ hotel rooms, as some of them wanted to read local newspapers.

To me, that last part is the most important. I'm not one to stand in the way of a countrys unification, but I would like to see the exchange flow both ways. Lately though, it really feels like the ROK gives and consents, and then gives some more.

I would like to see the North open up more. If it is now legal/acceptable to view pro-DPRK websites, then should it likewise not be made legal in the norht to get news from the South?

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