Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The pot calling the kettle a 6-party talk

Well, I am surprised as everyone else to note that it is China that is sounding like the sane one in recent days at the 6 party talks. Apparently they have said:

“It will be difficult to reach an agreement in this state. Let the participant nations reconfirm whether they have the will to compromise and decide whether to continue with the talks or stop,” - Wu

The divisive issue now seems to be over the DPRKs legitimacy of using nuclear power for peaceful means. The US and Japan have said NO WAY, while China, the ROK, and Russia have all in their various ways agreed to it.

Personally I really don't want to see the Norks splitting any kind of atom, however I have never really understood the US position of "we can have them but no one else should be able to develop them". I would be happy if NO ONE had them.

SO, now instead of "everyone" working towards a NUCLEAR FREE PENINSULA, we seem to have a house divided. Originally it semed like 5:1, everyone trying to rope in N. Korea, but now the numbers look more like 4:2, with the US on the outside.

I'm sure Mr. Hill is a qualified man, but I really worry if he is dropping the "popularity ball" over there in China.

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