Tuesday, August 16, 2005

When will they leave?

So I was riding the bus today and noticed all the "blue unification" flags around Walker Hill. Apparently the delegation from the DPRK is still in town and everyone is trying to show them a good time.

I however, am getting really miffed at the uneven enforcement of national laws by the administration and the uni-ministry. The whole flag burning thing was bad enough, but now we have
labour groups giving anit-US banners to the delegation

The North Koreans were given the sashes at a meeting of North and South Korean labor representatives at the Seoul Olympic Parktel on Tuesday by two members of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, who shouted, "We must throw out the USFK and unite by combining our strength!"

North Korean delegate Choi Chang-man replied "The thing that stands in the way of our unification is the U.S. military, and our workers must stop this. This sash reading 'Withdraw USFK', handed to me by the vanguard of unification, gives great strength to the laborers of North and South who wish for the withdrawal of the U.S. military."

“Now, with our home threatening to become a war zone, let us hold high the flag of peace and use our strength to protect peace.” He said the young people of North Korea, “giving their youth to turn Korea into a wealthy and powerful country and unify the nation, have never forgotten South Korean and overseas Korean students."

That reads oddly no?

Korean Bar Association spokesman Ha Chang-woo warned the developments meant Korea’s National Security Law had become “useless.” He said inter-Korean reconciliation was fine, but it would not do to brush violations of the law, which bans North Korean propaganda, under the carpet. Only the rule of law was capable of putting a country’s national identity on a firm footing, he said. Lawyer Lee Gyeong-jae said, "The string of statements were a clear violation of positive law. We must change this idea that everything is permissible as long as it’s for the sake of unification."

So it DOES violate the law. Hmmm, I'm wondering if it'll be enforced though.


Anonymous said...

I sometimes feel they should do what they want:expel the US army from SK, and unite with NK. After all, it's Korean people who must take all the consequences.

Juggy said...

I feel the same way too.

The only problem is, I have family and friends here and really would not want to see that happen to them.

It's not like we're just leaving them to get a bad hair cut or something. Unification under the wrong terms would destroy so many lives. It's just hard to sit back and watch this gov. play into the DPRKs hands.