Friday, August 26, 2005

Is he quitting again?

It seems that president Noh is threatening to step down if he does not get his way. I am lacking in links, but he has done this many times in the past. The whole; "well, if you guys won't do what I want then I guess you don't really want ME."

I'm getting tired of this. A president that is either so lacking in confidence that he has to whine to keep support, or one so cunning he has to play on the hearts of the ignorant.

"The greatest policy goal in the second half of my tenure should be changing the political culture and achieving national unity. I will focus on this during the latter half of my tenure," Roh said at the meeting.

Why? Why is this the greatest goal? Who is asking for it? I really wonder why he is so intent on this subject.

In reference to his approval rating, Roh suggested their was a need to discuss "whether it is right for a president with 29 percent of approval rating to continue to run state affairs."

That's the spirit, quit! Or at least threaten to I guess. This may have something to do with recent surveys that show 65% of respondents are unhappy with his presidency.

Personally, I think that reform is good. Change can also be good. Cleaning up the mistakes of the past, well, sometimes that is needed too. My problem with Noh is the fact that he does it selectivly. He chooses to honor leftist heroes but shuns anyone to the right. He is full scale supportive of investigations into prior regimes but pulls WAY back when it involves his idol Kim Dae Jung . I know hipocracy abounds in politics, I just have to write about it sometimes and complain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can say that again!