Here is a taste:
Apparently the Korean soldier maneuvered the Japanese soldiers into taking a ‘friendship photograph’ in order to make this childish political statement, saying that the disputed island between Korea and Japan belongs to Korea. While there has been much joy in Korea about this photograph, Koreans are so self centered that they havent considered this:
*These kind of antics will make it even harder for Japanese to trust Koreans
*Once the Japanese soldiers realize what happened, it will damage their morale and make working with the Koreans in Iraq harder, jeopardizing the mission
*Did the Korean soldiers think about the kind of treatment these Japanese soldiers will now recieve? Even though they were tricked, they will be the subject of much criticism and mockery. Perhaps they will even be punished. Then they will say ‘I made the mistake of trusting Koreans’. What will Koreans say then?
*Japanese people will think twice about extending the hand of friendship to Koreans again
This is a truly disgraceful act. Rather than glorifying this soldier, Koreans should feel ashamed. ***
***Update: Some Korean netizens are saying that the picture is photoshop, some insisting it is real (although only a couple seem to think its a bad idea - indeed, fake or not, most seem to approve). See the controversy
***Update2: Mithridates makes a convincing argument that the picture is fake.
***Update3 - The final analysis: According to this site, the software responsible for the altered image was either Canon Powershot or Adobe Photoshop. The uniforms of the Japanese Army that were called into question are apparently genuine. The green garb means that they are intending not to fight in the desert, and shows peaceful intentions. Also on the Japanese version of Naver, some Japanese guys demonstrated the technique. Still, it left behind a lot of angry people, here, here, and here.
So we know the photo is fake. My last post should have kept me on guard for Korean fake photos, yet for a while, I was taken in. The lesson is still the same as what I wrote above - it becomes harder to trust Koreans. Luckily, I caught it within around an hour of posting.
Quite a decent blogger. I'll make sure to add it to my frequent visit list.
He is a very smart person. Usually the kyopo/korean people start calling him a 'jap' then a 'jap lover' once they find out he isnt japanese but just a regular Aussi who has never been to korea. he is just intereste in koera and japan.. look at marmot and he will be rational and all the kyopo/korean group will slam him again and again.
I have learned that Koreans REALLY do not like their myths debunked.
Take fan death... lol
I'll make sure to add this blog to my frequent visit list
For a lighter take on the matter...
Check out these shots.
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