Thursday, May 26, 2005

Let's talk about...

I try to stay away from sex (on this Blog), but this definately qualifies as Korean news and of course, it's interesting. I've "bolded" some parts.

Quarter of Korean Students Sexually Active
Little more than a quarter of university students have had sex, and most of those first slept with their partner within six months of meeting them, a Chosun Ilbo survey of university students has found. They limit themselves to about five times a month.
The survey investigated the sexual attitudes of 1,276 students at universities in the Seoul metropolitan area.

Wow, "limiting yourself" to only 5 times a month, that is quite some will power. Seriously though, with all the activities these students do, i'm impressed they manage 5 times a month.

Only 354 of the 1,276 -- 27.7 percent -- said they were sexually experienced. About half of them -- 46.3 percent or 164 respondents -- had their first sexual experience when they were 20-21, but a third of the group had their first sexual experiences in middle or high school.

Yup, I've been wondering when this is gonna' catch on. The youth of today (in Korea) are way more savy than their parents in ALL issues. They have access to the internet and each other. I'm cringing to hear about the future rise in teen pregnancy.

Of the 175 that said they are having sex, 30 said they thought of their bedfellow as "just a sexual partner."

Hmmm, this musta' come from tha movie "Singles" or something.

Overall, students appeared fairly liberated in their attitudes, with a robust 61.1 percent (780 respondents) saying they were against the idea of chastity before marriage at least in theory, while 40.9 (522 respondents) said it was possible for men and women to live together without getting married. An overwhelming 85.3 percent (1,088 respondents) said they did not think it necessary for two people to get married if they have slept together.

Asked if prostitution helps prevent sex crimes such as rape, most men or 51 percent said yes, but most women or 65.5 percent said no.

I have NEVER figured out why anybody would think that prostitution prevents crime. Actually, I don't think I've heard of this premis before coming to Korea.

Respondents revealed gaps in Korea’s sex education, with only 36.8 percent saying such classes were helpful in improving their understanding of sex. Among students who found out about the birds and the bees from other sources, 58.5 percent of women fingered friends, and 55 percent of men the Internet.

OK, I had to BOLD that one. But seriously, from the Koreans I've talked to, their sex-ed is a joke. I'm glad they finally started carying the Discovery Channel on Skylife. Maybe now they will all figure out that the gestation period is 9 months and NOT 10!

"At a time when open and conservative attitudes toward sex coexist in Korea, we need social agreement concerning the sexual culture of the young and adolescent sex education,” said Prof Kang Suk-ja, a women’s studies expert at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

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