Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Get your nose out of my...
What tweaked my interest was the reason behind the North's particular storm. Apparenty Hyundai wanted to let go of its vice chairman Kim Un-kyu becuase an internal inspection had found Kim guilty of corruption, and he resigned at a board meeting on Aug. 18. Now if your OWN company finds you guilty (in Korea), chances are you did a bad thing.
The North, apparently though, really liked this Kim guy so they objected, and then were shocked by the decision to let him go anyways. So, now the North not only wants southern dollars (ok Won) but now they want to run their companies as well?? Since when did the DPRK become management icons?
The Editor jumped on this (as would I) and said:
The resignation of Kim Yoon-kyu is the internal affair of Hyundai Asan. However much the two Koreas may differ in their political and economic systems, Pyongyang cannot presume to meddle with the personnel decisions of a South Korean corporation. That it has thrown its weight behind a man who had to resign over allegations of corruption, incidentally, is generating speculation about the exact nature of the relationship between Kim the executive down South and Kim the dear leader up North. But whatever it may have been, if North Korea keeps trying to influence a South Korean company this way, it will be hard for inter-Korean relations to improve.
The occasion shows that something must be done about the Mt.Kumgang tourism deal to make sure that the North cannot arbitrarily determine the tourist quota and expect the South to comply unconditionally. The project is not a benevolent act on the part of Pyongyang; it is a business. It needs to reflect the interests of the South.
What I wonder is; how much worse will it be when the South starts to supply electricity to the North?
Friday, August 26, 2005
Is he quitting again?
I'm getting tired of this. A president that is either so lacking in confidence that he has to whine to keep support, or one so cunning he has to play on the hearts of the ignorant.
"The greatest policy goal in the second half of my tenure should be changing the political culture and achieving national unity. I will focus on this during the latter half of my tenure," Roh said at the meeting.
Why? Why is this the greatest goal? Who is asking for it? I really wonder why he is so intent on this subject.
In reference to his approval rating, Roh suggested their was a need to discuss "whether it is right for a president with 29 percent of approval rating to continue to run state affairs."
That's the spirit, quit! Or at least threaten to I guess. This may have something to do with recent surveys that show 65% of respondents are unhappy with his presidency.
Personally, I think that reform is good. Change can also be good. Cleaning up the mistakes of the past, well, sometimes that is needed too. My problem with Noh is the fact that he does it selectivly. He chooses to honor leftist heroes but shuns anyone to the right. He is full scale supportive of investigations into prior regimes but pulls WAY back when it involves his idol Kim Dae Jung . I know hipocracy abounds in politics, I just have to write about it sometimes and complain.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Woot! They're gone!
Well it seems that my newest neighbors have finally flown the coop and have headed back to the land of the great General. I for one am glad to see them gone. With all this butt kissing in the news I was scared to hear that maybe Kim Dae Jung would step back into the lime light and try to get another Nobel Peace Prize.
Oh wait, maybe he will...
Apparently Kim Ki-nam (DPRK) has invited Ex-President Kim back to the North.
I even hear that they read a few ROK newspapers. Too bad Chung didn't let him read them all.
South Korean Unification Minister Chung Dong-young handed over the file of news scraps to Kim, a secretary of North Korea’s Workers’ Party, inside a passenger car at a hotel in eastern Seoul at 10:20 a.m.
It was intended to let Kim, 79, know that the visit by North Koreans and their unprecedented activities, such as a visit to the National Cemetery where the war dead are enshrined, were invoking good reactions from South Koreans, a politics expert said.
Another Seoul official said the ministry staff occasionally delivered South Korean morning dailies to the North Korean delegates’ hotel rooms, as some of them wanted to read local newspapers.
To me, that last part is the most important. I'm not one to stand in the way of a countrys unification, but I would like to see the exchange flow both ways. Lately though, it really feels like the ROK gives and consents, and then gives some more.
I would like to see the North open up more. If it is now legal/acceptable to view pro-DPRK websites, then should it likewise not be made legal in the norht to get news from the South?
What can Koreans learn from the Japanese?
Professor Yuji Hosaka of Sejong University, who was naturalized as a Korean citizen two years ago, is a unique person. He is 49 years old and was born in Tokyo. After graduating from Tokyo National University, he made up his mind one day that he would jump into research on historic relations between Korea and Japan.
The reason I take time to explain Professor Hosaka's life story is to make you understand how different the background of his Japanese studies is from that of Korean scholars. He speaks whatever he wants to say on Japan's distortion of history. He is thorough and corroborative when it comes to history research and analysis.
That is why his studies of Japan's territorial claim of the Dokdo islands hold up. He not only analyzed the old maps of Japan, but he also analyzed all recent maps published by the National Geographical Institute of the Japanese government.
The result is a study showing that Dokdo was not included as Japanese land from the Meiji administration until 1988. (The study is published in the July issue of NEXT). Japan's reaction to this study was huge. There were groups that called Professor Hosaka a traitor, but there were a lot of Internet users who said they were surprised to see the evidence he produced. He immediately started to respond to the criticisms of the Japanese government and readers one by one and resumed debates on historic issues.
He uses hidden historical data to expose the fabrication of Japanese awareness.There is definitely a difference between Professor Hosaka's attitude to research and those of Korean historians. One Korean professor declined to give an answer when he was asked to historically analyze his contention that Dokdo is part of Korean territory. He did not so much as decline to answer as he ran away from the debate.
Another scholar got the media's attention when he produced some unreliable evidence and had failed to unfold his view logically. Korean people were too fragmentary and shallow in their research. One Korean professor clung to an anti-Japan report that was totally emotional. One elder professor ignored young scholars who objected to his Dokdo theory by saying, "What bad-mannered people..." and tried to clamp down on the freedom of study and the freedom of speech. The field of history studies in Korea is not free from the criticism that there are sanctuaries, whether right or wrong.
Professor Hosaka's study on Dokdo and other historic studies were all done by first approaching all the information he could find both in Korea and Japan. That is why a reasonable and logical discussion is possible.
-by Choi Chul-joo
Can it be? Can there be a reasonable editorial out there? Was this actually in the Joonan ilbo?
All I can say is, I hope this thought catches on.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
When will they leave?
I however, am getting really miffed at the uneven enforcement of national laws by the administration and the uni-ministry. The whole flag burning thing was bad enough, but now we have labour groups giving anit-US banners to the delegation
The North Koreans were given the sashes at a meeting of
North Korean delegate Choi Chang-man replied "The thing that stands in the way of our unification is the U.S. military, and our workers must stop this. This sash reading 'Withdraw USFK', handed to me by the vanguard of unification, gives great strength to the laborers of North and South who wish for the withdrawal of the U.S. military."
“Now, with our home threatening to become a war zone, let us hold high the flag of peace and use our strength to protect peace.” He said the young people of North Korea, “giving their youth to turn Korea into a wealthy and powerful country and unify the nation, have never forgotten South Korean and overseas Korean students."
That reads oddly no?
Korean Bar Association spokesman Ha Chang-woo warned the developments meant Korea’s National Security Law had become “useless.” He said inter-Korean reconciliation was fine, but it would not do to brush violations of the law, which bans North Korean propaganda, under the carpet. Only the rule of law was capable of putting a country’s national identity on a firm footing, he said. Lawyer Lee Gyeong-jae said, "The string of statements were a clear violation of positive law. We must change this idea that everything is permissible as long as it’s for the sake of unification."
So it DOES violate the law. Hmmm, I'm wondering if it'll be enforced though.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
So close I could...
Now I KNOW it is an expensive place (evident from all the tall Russian dancers coming in and out) so I'm curious as to who is footing the bill.
Oh, and I guess they (the delegation) Visited Seoul's National Cemetery and bowed. Wow, not too low fellas, you don't want to show too much enthusiasm. Also, I thought this was funny.
The 182-strong delegation of officials and civilians headed by Kim Ki-nam of the North’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland paid only a silent tribute but did not lay flowers or burn incense. The North Koreans reportedly said during negotiations with South Korea on Aug. 5 they were not in the habit of burning incense and rarely laid flowers.
Wow, I guess somebody should tell these kids.
Friday, August 12, 2005
A flag burnin'
Well, in my time in Korea I have seen my share of flags being burnt. None in person, but definitely enough on TV to get the idea. Most of them have been the US Stars and Stripes.... ok ALL of them have.
But, that may soon be changing. Apparently the Canadians are in for a bit of trouble with a report by a Canadian professor in Vancouver that talks about 60 or so court martials and the crimes against Korean civilians.
Now in no way do I belittle the acts. On the contrary, I am disgusted with soldiers who step out of line. However, I also acknowledge the realities of war and know such things do occur. It being now 50 some odd years after the fact, I'm really not sure what the Korean media (or this Canadian professor) hope to accomplish by releasing the information. I would hope that it is ear-marked for a history text but for some reason I think it'll be used to fuel the anti-foreigner sentiment in Korea right now.
Oh and as a side note, it seems that although it is illegal to burn the US flag in Korea (but totally socially acceptable) it is however LEGAL to burn the North Korean flag. Well, that is until this idiot gets his way. Apparently it is not ok to burn the flag of a nations that has murdered countless number of your citizens but torching the one of your strongest ally is ok.
- Prime Minister Lee Hae-chan
I really wonder how long it'll take people to realize that the Noh administration is truely working with *cough* for *cough* the North.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Another great Korean blog
Here is a taste:
Apparently the Korean soldier maneuvered the Japanese soldiers into taking a ‘friendship photograph’ in order to make this childish political statement, saying that the disputed island between Korea and Japan belongs to Korea. While there has been much joy in Korea about this photograph, Koreans are so self centered that they havent considered this:
*These kind of antics will make it even harder for Japanese to trust Koreans
*Once the Japanese soldiers realize what happened, it will damage their morale and make working with the Koreans in Iraq harder, jeopardizing the mission
*Did the Korean soldiers think about the kind of treatment these Japanese soldiers will now recieve? Even though they were tricked, they will be the subject of much criticism and mockery. Perhaps they will even be punished. Then they will say ‘I made the mistake of trusting Koreans’. What will Koreans say then?
*Japanese people will think twice about extending the hand of friendship to Koreans again
This is a truly disgraceful act. Rather than glorifying this soldier, Koreans should feel ashamed. ***
***Update: Some Korean netizens are saying that the picture is photoshop, some insisting it is real (although only a couple seem to think its a bad idea - indeed, fake or not, most seem to approve). See the controversy
***Update2: Mithridates makes a convincing argument that the picture is fake.
***Update3 - The final analysis: According to this site, the software responsible for the altered image was either Canon Powershot or Adobe Photoshop. The uniforms of the Japanese Army that were called into question are apparently genuine. The green garb means that they are intending not to fight in the desert, and shows peaceful intentions. Also on the Japanese version of Naver, some Japanese guys demonstrated the technique. Still, it left behind a lot of angry people, here, here, and here.
So we know the photo is fake. My last post should have kept me on guard for Korean fake photos, yet for a while, I was taken in. The lesson is still the same as what I wrote above - it becomes harder to trust Koreans. Luckily, I caught it within around an hour of posting.
Quite a decent blogger. I'll make sure to add it to my frequent visit list.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Roh or Noh or.. ah, whatever.
Roh, who has authored a biography of Abraham Lincoln and on whom he models himself, like his American hero crafts speeches of great intellectual complexity.
Well, I just learned two things I did not know before. I had no idea his speaches were so complex. They must be I guess to make people jump out of their windows.
He has worked closely with North Korea on a variety of economic and social initiatives and does not see the North as a threat.
I guess giving them stuff is working closely. So, does that mean I work closely with the blind guy on the subway?
President Kim Young-sam continued many of the incestuous relations between government and business of his predecessors, even as he moved toward the rule of law.
I call BS on this. The relationships continue to this day and are all entwined in his administration. The whole "we are only covered with a little bit of poo" just doesn't cut it with me.
First, there are the conservative forces that look at the US-Republic of Korea alliance as the bedrock of foreign policy, concentrate on economic to the neglect of social issues, and rely on such sources as the conservative newspaper Chosun Ilbo for their information about the world. This newspaper has been unrelentingly critical of Roh from the day he took office.
Hmmm, would I prefer to read the Chosun Ilbo or OhMyNews? Well at least the Chosun has been consistant. Take the Joongan, they were "anti-Roh" untill their boss got promoted to US Ambassador. Hmm, I wonder how they'll swing now that he's stepped down?
The second group consists largely of younger voters known commonly as the 3-8-6 (sam-pal-yuk) generation. As students they longed for a democratic system and were willing to work hard for it. Many of this generation were involved in the student protests that turned universities into tear-gas testing grounds. These progressives are committed to social and political issues. The 3-8-6 generation is best represented by the Nosamo group (The Organization that Loves Roh Moo-hyun). This informal association of loyalists employed the Internet in an innovative manner to put him in office. They did so in spite of the overwhelming prophesies of doom produced by the conservative press that had most Americans - and many Koreans - believing that Roh did not have a chance. This group is highly critical of United States policy and imaginative in envisioning Korea's role in the world. Representing a broad spectrum of views, often crossing regional loyalties, they depend on such progressive online publications as Pressian and Oh My News for information and have embraced an interactive culture of instant messaging and video for both social and political action. The rate at which they disseminate information has transformed Korean society.
Well now, don't they just sound like the perfect bunch! Seriously, I'm glad I found this and it is definately an interesting read in regards to Roh's biography BUT for the most part this article is tripe.
Apples and ... apples
Well, apparently it has started. I knew that some "stuff" would be stirred during the break.
Bush says North Korean nuclear issue different from that of Iran
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9 (Yonhap) -- U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday emphasized the difference between North Korean and Iranian nuclear intransigence as the issue boiled down to who deserves to pursue peaceful uses of atomic power."North Korea is in a different situation," Bush said at a meeting with economic advisers at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. "The North Koreans didn't tell the truth when it came to their (uranium) enrichment programs," Bush said.
We were on a BREAK!
It seems that in the week I have taken off of blogging the 6 party talks have gone no where (surprise). They are now on a 3 week break and apparently there are a few "side-bar" meetings going on.
"The participating countries are expected to hold separate consultations during the recess period," Ban said at a weekly news briefing. "The three-week recess is very important for smooth progress of talks when they are resumed, so we will make the most of it."
Ban indicated that North Korea needs time to build trust with the international community before it enjoys the right to peaceful nuclear activities.
Now see, that is why I think Ban is a decent guy. I know he has to tow the Roh line, but he still comes off sounding level-headed.
My worry though is that something will go onbehind the scenes that may cause some problems. I especially predict that the US might be on the "outs" in regards to it's Nuclear policies and uneven enforcement (ie. India, Iran, Isreal, another "I" country?)
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
And the game keeps on
Initial high hopes gave way to frustration on the ninth day of six-party talks on North Korea’s nuclear program on Wednesday, as the Stalinist country’s delegation head failed to show for discussion of yet another draft statement of principles submitted by China overnight.
"With the exception of North Korea, all the other parties were satisfied with the final draft of the joint statement,” a South Korean official said. “We were waiting for North Korea only, but in the end we weren’t told whether Pyongyang had accepted the draft." U.S. chief negotiator Christopher Hill earlier indicated Washington was happy with the new draft. "I would say it is getting to an end-game text," Hill said.
North Korea reportedly objects to a portion of the draft that reads, "North Korea abandons all nuclear weapons and nuclear programs." That would include even peaceful-use nuclear facilities, which it wants to keep.
Well, who exactly does that surprise?
KIm Jung Ill's bodyguards
This video shows some interesting scenes of the Dear Leaders bodyguards. Sure, most of it is staged but in no way does it make it less impressive/disturbing.
The pot calling the kettle a 6-party talk
Well, I am surprised as everyone else to note that it is China that is sounding like the sane one in recent days at the 6 party talks. Apparently they have said:
“It will be difficult to reach an agreement in this state. Let the participant nations reconfirm whether they have the will to compromise and decide whether to continue with the talks or stop,” - Wu
The divisive issue now seems to be over the DPRKs legitimacy of using nuclear power for peaceful means. The US and Japan have said NO WAY, while China, the ROK, and Russia have all in their various ways agreed to it.
Personally I really don't want to see the Norks splitting any kind of atom, however I have never really understood the US position of "we can have them but no one else should be able to develop them". I would be happy if NO ONE had them.
SO, now instead of "everyone" working towards a NUCLEAR FREE PENINSULA, we seem to have a house divided. Originally it semed like 5:1, everyone trying to rope in N. Korea, but now the numbers look more like 4:2, with the US on the outside.
I'm sure Mr. Hill is a qualified man, but I really worry if he is dropping the "popularity ball" over there in China.