Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Korean education?

Well it seems that some Korean Elementary school kids are doing their part to show Japan just how much the ROK hates it.

GORD does some nice picture taking here.

Apparently he saw these at Gyulhyeon Station

And while I do not agree with all of his conclusions (the history debate is quite interesting though) he does shine light on the sad fact of brain-washing in the Korean system. I wish I could say it was only the DPRK that is responsible but... the South all too often shows its proficiency in the area as well.


Aaron said...

This is what I get for leaving my posting for the next day. I was gonna put this on my site and you beat me to it. Of course, The Marmot scooped us both - and it's not like anyone reads our sites anwyay - but still, I hate to think that you're ahead of me on anything.

Juggy said...

how does my dust taste?