Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Good news

Commercial whaling unlikely in future: Int'l Whaling Commission chair
ULSAN, South Korea -- Commercial whaling will not be possible in the foreseeable future, the head of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) said here Tuesday.In a news briefing in Ulsan, 414 kilometers southeast of Seoul, Henrik Fischer said that there was too much opposition to allow the killing of whales.

Now most of my friends know that I'm a big fan of sushi and that I have often tried "exotic foods". whale meat though, is something I'd never try. Yes, the picture looks awful (but so would any pic from a slaughter house), but for anyone to eat an endangered animal just seems wrong to me. I hope they continue the whaling ban but I fear that already countries are looking the other way when it comes to this issue. Japan has nurtured its support, and with countries like MONGOLIA (a land locked nation) voting with it, Japan might very well be able to hunt these beasts to extinction.

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