Monday, June 20, 2005

Some more fall-out form the visit.

Well it appears that not everyone was impressed by everything in regards to last weeks meeting between Chung and Kim. The Chosun said this about a particular part.

The discussions aside, the time has come for us to think about Kim Jong-il's way
of treating South Korean leaders. That Kim behaves like some potentate granting
an audience at the last moment and without giving any advance notice whether he
will meet senior South Korean officials does not conform to our traditional
etiquette, to say nothing of international diplomatic protocol.

They present a pitiful sight, our leaders, hankering after an audience with Kim Jong-il and waiting upon the pleasure of the great man. It is difficult to see how they could under these circumstances have gone into the meeting thoroughly prepared and with a steady heart.

However, it appears that Chung is already spending his political capital. Unification minister calls for bills on inter-Korean relations and from what I just heard on the news tonight, the North is already asking for more donations. Apparently the fertilizer that was already given didn't quite fit the bill for the visit with Kim.

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