Monday, January 02, 2006

Chung resigns!

That is right, my nemesis has stepped down from his post as Unification Minister *cough* DPRK kiss-up *cough* and is heading on to try for the presidency.

Awhile ago I was worried that he might just have a chance of winning. That somehow he would pull a rabbit out of the bag and pull offf a diplomatic wonder. Luckily, that never happened.

So, now begins the race for the Blue House. No one out there would be dumb enough to vote for this guy... right?


Aaron said...

You're going to be like Samuel L. Jackson in Unbreakable now: without a nemesis and forced to create one.

How do you plan to go about it?

Juggy said...

I'l do like Bush...

just move on the the next one.