Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Kim Dae-jung to visit North

Well, I dare say that Chung may be bumped off of my #1 slot for most asinine. An old favorite has come back to haunt us here in Juggertha's hall. Apparently Kim Dae-jung is planning on visiting the DPRK sometime soon. With comments like those below I seriously wonder why this man was not thrown off that ship so many years ago.

"Although they (the US) use strong rhetoric, I don't think they don't have the strength to carry out the military operations that the neo-conservatives insist upon."

"South Korea cooperates with the United States for peace. If war is the premise, everything must change."

Wow, could it be possible that I am GLAD that Noh is president instead of this guy? Well, maybe that is taking it a bit too far but seriously, is he just losing it in his old age? I'm no fan of US foreign "excursions" but I have little doubt as to their power.

Also of note is where this is an official visit or not, you decide:

Former President Kim Dae-jung said he would meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-il for a second time in the near future. He said the governments of both Koreas had agreed to his trip, but that he would travel there in a private capacity, not as an envoy of the Roh administration.

The visit, at an unspecified time, would be Mr. Kim's second encounter with Kim Jong-il, whom he met in June 2000 for the first meeting of the two nations' heads of government. "Pyongyang has requested a visit several times, and President Roh Moo-hyun officially asked me to make the visit," he said.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ed / Juggertha :
I'm Tim; I met you last Saturday night with Craig (Galbijim) and Dave (Mithridates).
Just a comment on your Kim Dae-Jung blog- I heard he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000 as well, and I have to say I agree with his sentiments almost entirely. Especially now, with Iraq in a clusterfuck, I seriously doubt the political will of the U.S. to do anything militarily against N.Korea
at least in the foreseeable future. Sure, the military power is there, but no one, and I mean no one wants to start a military confrontation with a regime that has a crazy leader AND already is confirmed to be in possession of several nuclear weapons. That's my point of view, anyway.

Juggy said...

While i agree with Kim to a point.. I am not very supportive of the open purse he has given the North.

All aide should be tied to agreements of reciprocation.

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