Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Chung caught doing crack!

That's right, you heard it here first! Chung Dong-young has been caught doing drugs

Apparently, he gave an interview while high. Read on:

"Communist North Korea and capitalist South Korea are likely to have formed at least an economic union by 2020"

"North Korea would be ready to accept Seoul's offer of free electricity as a stop-gap until light-water atomic reactors were built"

"The vision of the Republic of Korea -- my personal vision as a politician -- is that by 2020 we will be a welfare state, and also at the same time, the South and the North will be able to communicate freely, that we will at least have developed into a joint economic union,"

"With North Korea, sticks don't help in solving problems," he said. "It doesn't give you the short cut, but only aggravates the problem."

Well, now that explains it. He has been dreaming of making the ROK into a welfare state the whole time. Now I understand why he is giving away so much of the tax payer's money! He wants the government to support the masses, ok, but where will the money come from? He keeps talking about providing all this funding to the North, but I am still missing the announcement of the tax hike that will pay for it all.


Anonymous said...

Roh is as stupid as Chung Dong-young.

"With regard to the human rights issue in North Korea, now, human rights is universal value of humankind. It's something that is very valuable. And Korea has a very proactive position when it comes to human rights issues in the world. But between the two Koreas, we have very many important issues that we have to solve politically and we always have to take into consideration the status of the relationship between the two Koreas. And that is what I have to say about the North Korean nuclear -- the North Korean human rights issue.

And I do believe that during President Lincoln's term in office, people were always talking about the slavery and President Lincoln was always attacked about not doing anything for slavery, to release the slaves. And I do understand that President Lincoln was quite slow in liberating the slaves in the United States. And this was because the President, if he took the lead in this issue, he thought that America would be divided in opinion, and this would be very serious. In reality, the Civil War did take place, and because of this issue of slaves, there was a situation where the United States was in jeopardy, and because of that, he had to go through a process to ensure that the country would stay together.

President Lincoln's first priority was unity among the states of America, and in this large framework of unity, he pursued his policy to free the slaves in the United States. As a result, before the end of the Civil War in the United States, I do understand that President Lincoln was able to free all the slaves in America, and they were actually -- and many people went into the army, many of the slaves, former slaves went into the army and fought for President Lincoln.

And this evaluation of President Lincoln's policies was carried out actually 11 years after President Lincoln's death by a scholar who was looking into the situation of the slaves in the United States. I think that this is quite similar to the position that we are taking when it comes to North Korean human rights issues."

Juggy said...

Enslaving an entire race of people - and beating the snot out of your own people just to maintain your regime are two different things.

Roh can compare himself to Lincoln all he wants, it doen't make it so.

Personally, I don't think Lincoln politically cared much about the slaves. He was focused on unifing the states, and like posted above, it still brought war.

SO, civil war was brought about in part because of Lincolns policies... hmmm, this is not a man Noh should be emulating. Personally, I would prefer no war on the peninsula.

Honestly, I see no connection between the two men and hope for no connection.

Noh simply wants a claim to fame and because he cannot get it through any action HE has done, he hopes to make his name synonomous with someone elses.