Sunday, October 02, 2005

Are you watching Chung??

I really hope that Chung Dong Young has these pictures shoved down his throat some time. The
NKZone has a few wise words on the subject. How legit is it? I'm not sure. Some may doubt, but to me the important point is that this type of thing is acknowledged to happen regularly. Real or not, I truly think that even the possibility of truth in this should send a reminding shiver down our souls.


Anonymous said...

Roh may not be watching this either.
He got stuck in mud.

Juggy said...

hehe, now why is it that the funny stuff rarely makes the English news?? :D

Anonymous said...

This blog is so informative. And I really want Chung change his attitude someday to settle the difference between you and him.

Juggy said...

I think a boxing match will settle those differences. ;)