Sunday, July 03, 2005

Do you smell something?

Well it seems that
a new wind is blowing and i'm not sure of what direction it will take.

Among State Department officials involved with Korea policy, the most
influential are Philip D. Zelikow, an advisor to Rice and her co-author in
writing “Germany Unified and Europe Transformed”; Krasner, who is a friend of
Rice’s from Stanford; Burns, a former ambassador to NATO; and Hill. None but
Hill has much experience with Asia. By contrast, the former assistant
secretaries of state Richard Armitage and James Kelly were Japan experts.

These personnel changes signal a wider shift in U.S. foreign policy
away from the force-based unilateralism of Bush’s first term to one emphasizing
cooperation with allies and prioritizing a diplomatic solution to the North
Korean problem. But they have yet to show any concrete results in the
department’s biggest headache, the dispute over North Korea’s nuclear arms

I firmly believe that the "korean issue" must be addressed and that leaving it to fester is not going to win the day. However, this new dream team leaves a lot to be desired (number one being Rice as its leader). I wish them (and us all) luck.

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