N. Korean Cartoon Show in Hamfisted Attack on Rice
Pyongyang Broadcasting on Monday got personal when it attacked U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in terms that more enlightened societies would consider frankly sexist, calling the chief diplomat, who famously described the Stalinist country as an “outpost of tyranny”, a "hen" and a "bitch".
"There is incessant fighting in a house being ruined with a hen running amok, that is to say, there is incessant fighting in the White House, and the White House is clearly showing signs of ruin,” a laugh-a-minute cartoon program on the state-run channel said. It said a U.S. magazine had compared the relationship between Rice and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to that between a "strong-willed hen" and a "rooster that has been pushed aside by the hen."
The channel did not identify the magazine. The South Korean Unification Ministry said, "North Korea frequently quotes the foreign press, but almost never makes public the source."
Pyongyang Broadcasting offered more gems of totalitarian wit when it elaborated that Rice, “who was cackling like a hen on her eggs that she had acknowledged North Korea as a sovereign state after we thrashed her for gravely insulting our republic as an 'outpost of tyranny' in February, recently did a crazy thing by calling us a 'frightening regime.'" It said Rice was "howling like a bitch at the beach." A Unification Ministry official said, "There are feudal vestiges in North Korean society, but it's rare for the North to be publicly derogatory to women."
While I'm not a fan of Rice, I do believe that name calling (from a state agency) is a low form of diplomacy. Hmmmm, can it can make for interesting comedies! ;)
That cartoon looks more like Madeleine Albright, who - unlike Condi - has actually been to Pyongyang.
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