Roh Moo-hyun is a closet Communist! There I said it. And before you get all funny on me i'll try to explain a bit further.
When I call him a "commie" it has only so much to do with his economic planning. More so I am refering to his wanton promotion of seemingly "Northen Ideals".
Just reading through the papers today I have discovered a number of interesting pieces.
Roh Attacks Domestic and International Press
Roh called for "institutional mechanisms that can hold in check the misuse of media authority” including "democratic control structures", saying only if those were in place were newspapers qualified to supervise and criticize. He warned a press that was biased toward the values or interests of a particular “controlling group” should not be allowed to dominate the market.
"Newspapers need to look back to see whether they did not cause tensions between nations by ceaselessly exaggerating suspicions about weapons of mass destruction." Observers say that this statement was aimed at how the U.S. media has been reporting on the North Korean nuclear issue
OK, so in and of itself this is not breathtaking news. The problem really lies in the fact that the newpapers he's trying to "put down" oppose him. it has only so much to do with "dmocracy" as he would like to say, but more to do with silencing the opposition.
S. Korea Sets up Task Force for Inter-Korean Celebration
The South Korean government on Sunday set up a task force to prepare for the four-day celebration in Pyongyang starting June 14. The move comes a day after the two countries agreed on which and how many officials from both sides of the border will attend the event. Each government will send a 20-member delegation, headed by a ministerial-level official.
So, the ROK cannot seem to get the NORKS back to the 6 party talks nor have them stop beating on their citizens while making nuclear weapons BUT they sure can get them together for a party! Hmmm, I wonder who is bringing the food?
Economic Slump Haunts Korea
Finance-Economy Minister Han Duck-soo warned that the economy may fall into a long-term slump as industrial output and other key data are turning worse before getting better.
The top policymaker also for the first time acknowledged that the country will could miss its 5 percent growth goal this year.
Well, we all know that the economy cannot be blamed on the president. I mean, come on, can we really expect him to take the reigns and lead the country to prosperity?? Nope, instead he would like us to focus on Dokdo, or Koreyo, or the US, or anything but the lagging economy and "the situation up north".
Epithets increase tension over Korea
Officials said President Roh Moo Hyun of South Korea would not want to discuss economic sanctions against North Korea when he meets with President George W. Bush in Washington on June 10. At the same time, South Korean officials urged North Korea not to miss the opportunity for a diplomatic settlement.
So here is an opportunity for "two allies" to get together and truely be on the same page in dealing with the DPRK. The problem is that Roh/Noh truely doesn't want to solve any problem. In fact i believe the only problem he see's is that fact that the world is looking at the nuclear issue instead of focussing on how well the "Hub of Asia" is doing.
President Roh plays golf with chiefs of three key state bodies
SEOUL, May 29 (Yonhap) -- President Roh Moo-hyun met with the heads of the three major state bodies on Sunday, not at his office but on the green, Roh's aides said.Kim Man-soo, a Cheong Wa Dae spokesman, said Roh played a round of golf with National Assembly Speaker Kim One-ki, Chief Justice Choi Jong-young and Prime Minister Lee Hae-chan at a private golf course in Gyeonggi Province.
So, while the economy continues to lag, and while millions of North Koreans lack proper nourishment, Roh decides the best way to get a handle on the situation is ... to go golfing! Man, if only he could invite Kim Jeong Ill along they might have really had a hoot! heck, if they really wanted to whup it up, they could have all went and got eye surgery (oh wait, Roh did that earlier in the year).
Roh pledges to develop S. Korea into regional financial hub
"We will no longer discriminate against foreign financial institutions as we are greatly enhancing fairness and transparency of the market and boldly abolishing unreasonable regulations."
What a joke! A few weeks ago they were tlaking about limiting foreign investment, now they are saying that they will abolish unreasonable regulations!!?? Hah! When was the last time one of these guys actually walked into an immigration office and had to deal with the red tape that is the foreigners lot in life here in korea?
S. Korean ship carrying fertilizer aid leaves for N. Korean port
GUNSAN, South Korea, May 28 (Yonhap) -- A South Korean ship departed for a North Korean port to deliver part of fertilizer aid Seoul agreed to provide at an inter-Korean meeting earlier in the month, government officials said Saturday.The 3,900-ton Pioneer Kona left Gunsan port, 270 kilometers southwest of Seoul in North Jeolla Province, at 5:15 p.m., according to the officials.
So, the South wanted the North to come and talk. what better way than to PAY THEM! heck, it worked before in 2000, why not now right? Just in time for DPRK planting season AND for summit season. I hope the brass up North have polished their bottoms cuz' it's ass kissin' time!
O, so this wasn't the best news day to prove Roh a "Commie". I KNOW there will be other days and other quotes. instead today I'll have to be satisfied with showing him to be a pathetic leader.
1 comment:
Alright...I see where he's a ninny. I see how his comments about the press might be construed as "authoritarian." What I don't see is how he is a communist, commie, pinko, etc.
Mind you, I'm not defending communist ideals here so much as I'm defending the English language. It bothers me that people throw around these words (fascist, communist, etc) so casually. North Korea, whatever it claims, is not communist. Nor is China. Nor was Russia. They were totalitarian regimes, yes, but not communist according to what communism technically/academically is.
Words like this have become little more than empty epithets, thrown around as insults but without any substance behind them out of intellectual laziness.
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